The Modern Homesteader Newsletter

Fueling self-reliance: Income, health, community for modern homesteaders.

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

Hey there, Modern Homesteaders! 👋

Today, let's explore the benefits of modern homesteading and how it can bring freedom and self-reliance to your life. Let's dive in!


You've probably noticed the increasing cost of food, right? Well, don't worry! We're here to tackle it.

Why You Should Care:

  1. Self-Sufficiency: Growing your own food reduces reliance on external systems, which means you're less affected by rising grocery store prices. You have control over the soil, seeds, and techniques, leading to potential savings.

  2. Quality Control: When you grow your own produce, you know exactly what goes into it. This means no questionable pesticides or GMOs unless you choose to use them. In the long run, you'll have better food for less money, with added health benefits.

  3. Community Sharing: Homesteaders often have a surplus of food that can be sold or traded with neighbors. This creates a mini-economy that is less affected by price hikes. So, you're not just saving money; you're also building a community that shares resources.

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living: The Forgotten Foods of Our Ancestors

Let's explore some forgotten foods that sustained civilizations for millennia! Inspired by Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast, discover how these ancient edibles can revamp our modern diet.

Homesteader ChatGPT Prompt:

Give me 10 plants that were traditionally used for human food that modern society generally has forgotten about.”

Why it Matters:

Imagine integrating these forgotten foods into our modern diets. This could open doors for regenerative, nutritious food production! Additionally, using these ancient foods can be our secret weapon against rising food costs, especially for innovative entrepreneurs like us. Let's not just adapt; let's innovate by reviving the wisdom of the past!

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Community Through Mutual Aid

What is Mutual Aid?

A mutual aid group is a volunteer community that provides support and assistance to its members. By pooling together resources, talents, and skills, the group aims to fulfill the individual needs of its members. Through activities like skill sharing, service exchange, and collective financial aid funds, members unite to uplift each other. These groups create reciprocal support systems outside of mainstream institutions, building grassroots solidarity.

Building Your Network

The first step in building a mutual aid group is gathering a dedicated core group of 6-10 like-minded founding members who share the same vision, structure, and operational goals of the group.

Community Cornerstones:

  • BUILD CONNECTIONS: Mutual aid groups build a sense of community by bringing people together around common interests and values.

  • CULTIVATE RESILIENCE: These groups create grassroots support systems, increasing community resilience and the ability to withstand crises together.

  • BUILDS TRUST: With mutual aid, it's all about creating a reliable network where everyone's got each other's back.

Today’s Takeaways:

Empower Your Diet: By exploring the forgotten foods of our ancestors, you unlock the door to a nutritious, cost-efficient lifestyle. You're participating in the age-old wisdom that has sustained civilizations for millennia!

Build Your Resilience: Embracing self-sufficiency isn't just about survival; it's about thriving. Taking control of your food production not only saves money but also protects against market volatility and external dependencies.

Community is Key: Mutual aid groups go beyond casual neighborhood interactions. They're about creating a safety net and enriching lives through shared resources, skills, and support. In short, community isn't just where you live; it's how you thrive.

Put the yurt foundation posts in for my daughter’s nature school with the guys.

Stay grounded and free,

-Joshua Hale

P.S.: Hold onto your hats, folks! The next newsletter drops next week, and we're going to dive even deeper into these topics and more. Trust me, you won't want to miss it. Let's keep this journey of empowerment and self-reliance rolling! 🌱🛠️

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