mindfulness in the age of autonomous weapons

staying grounded while ai reshapes the world (in a good way, mostly)

6min Read, Watch, Listen

Hey there, AI adventurers and digital dreamers!

Guess what? Your boy's been on a mindfulness trip this week.

Yeah, you heard that right. In this crazy, AI-driven world, I've been making space to ground myself like I'm planting roots in the garden.

yep AI

Why? 'Cause if we don't anchor ourselves, this wacky world's gonna send us spinning faster than a fidget spinner.

Trust me, you need this grounding as much as I do. It's how we stay sharp for our families, friends, and yeah, you - my ride & thrive community.

Why You Should Care:

  • AI Proficiency Gap: Only 7% of workers are AI pros. Time to level up or get left behind!

  • Real AI Dangers: Forget Terminator. We're talking scary-real stuff happening now.

  • AI Tools Bonanza: New product alert! Your ticket to the AI fast lane.

The Real AI Dangers: Not Your Grandma's Sci-Fi

I'm cooking up a series that's gonna blow your mind - "The Real Dangers of AI You'll See In Your Lifetime."

Spoiler alert: It ain't Skynet.

This week I’m talking autonomous weapons, people. These bad boys are already wreaking havoc in places like Libya and Ukraine, and the Pentagon reportedly has more than 800 active military AI projects in the works.

Picture this: A drone with a boom-boom payload taking out a million-dollar tank. War's changing, and not in a good way.

There's a whole ethical can of worms here - saving lives vs. unleashing tech that'll inevitably fall into the wrong hands.

Wanna dive deeper? Hit up my blog. It's heavy stuff, but you need to know.

The Great AI Divide: 7% vs. The Rest

Hold onto your keyboards, 'cause this'll shock you:

Only 7% of the workforce is AI-savvy. The rest? They're fumbling in the dark.

This 7% - let's call 'em the "AI Class" - they're saving 12 hours a week. That's right, a whole day and a half of family fun time.

The AI Proficiency Report

The other 93%? They're about to get left in the digital dust.

But don't panic! That's where I come in. I'm cooking up an AI workplace workshop sampler for next month.

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