inside scoop: how a tech wizard juggles AI and summer adventures

Uncover the secrets of balancing tech wizardry with holistic living...

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Hey there, AI adventurers and digital dreamers!

I am rushing to get this out as your boy's about to ghost civilization for a bit.

Yep, you heard that right. I'm trading in my keyboard for a kayak and heading out to Baker Lake for some good ol' fashioned off-grid family time.

But before I vanish into the wilderness, I've got some juicy tech tidbits that'll make your synapses do backflips.

Why You Should Care:

  • OpenAI's dropping bombs: "Strawberry" might just change the game

  • Peek behind the curtain: What the heck does Joshua Hale actually do?

OpenAI's "Strawberry": Sweet or Sour for the Future?

OpenAI's cooking up something called "Strawberry," and it is so powerful they have already shown it to the feds.

Here's the lowdown:

  • It might be sliding into ChatGPT instead of flying solo

  • It can think ahead and break down problems step by step

  • This bad boy can tackle high-level math and logic like a boss

  • It could drop as soon as this fall, with its big bro "Orion" following later

This can flip the AI progress upside down.

Currently, AI just predicts the next token or letter and responds quickly.

This would have the AI model stop, think ahead, and process the answer before sharing. Learn more from this video from Matthew Berman.

What the Heck Does Joshua Hale Do Anyway?

Ever wondered what I'm up to when I'm not dropping knowledge bombs in your inbox?

Here's a peek behind the curtain:

  • Empowering entrepreneurs to crush it without selling their souls

  • Helping folks embrace that holistic lifestyle (it's not just kale smoothies, promise)

  • Building communities that can weather any storm (yeah, I'm looking at you, "great reset")

  • Integrating AI into businesses like a boss (without the sci-fi horror movie vibes)

JH Brand Building Bonanza

I'm cookin' up my own brand, and let me tell you, it's no walk in the park. We're talking a mashup of holistic living, AI wizardry, and cutting-edge tech.

It's like building a superhero squad for the modern world, no cape required.

Wifey's Fashion Empire

Behind every great woman is... well, in this case, it's me. I'm the secret weapon in my wife's fashion biz Ahzalhea, right now, orchestrating an Etsy-to-Shopify migration that'd make tech geeks weep.

Throw in some social media sorcery and email marketing that actually gets opened (I know, right?), and we've got a recipe for success.

AI Mentor Sessions

I'm dropping knowledge bombs left and right with one-on-one mentorship for AI newbies and pros alike.

"I'm really impressed with how you've harnessed AI to streamline and enhance my marketing strategy. It's a game-changer." -T.R.

It's like Dr Phil, but with AI tools. "You get an AI tool! You get an AI tool!"

Client Hustle

My VIP clients get the royal treatment. We're talking weekly strategy sessions, brand building from the ground up, and funnel creation that'd make even Willy Wonka jealous. It's part art, part science, all awesome.

Community Building Crusade

I'm not just talking the talk, I'm walking the walk. Running Mutual Aid groups, hosting bi-weekly work parties, and teaching others to start their own groups. It's like end of the world prepper, but without the doom and glume.

The Nitty-Gritty

Between client meetings, sales strategies, and tech projects, I'm keeping the lights on and the innovation flowing.

And let's not forget "Financial Fridays" - because even rebels need to balance their books.

In a nutshell, I'm here to help businesses save time and money by integrating AI tools and strategies into their operations.

It's a wild ride, but someone's gotta do it.

And honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way.

The AI Toolbox: Your Digital Swiss Army Knife

I have added sever more Tool reviews to my developing offer The AI Toolbox for Professionals.

I've waded through the digital swamp of AI tools so you don't have to. We're talking hundreds of thousands of options, most of them pure garbage.

But I've cherry-picked the cream of the crop, complete with step-by-step video guides.

Early birds get the worm, folks.

Grab early access now and watch this baby grow day by day.

Be the office hero who wows everyone with AI wizardry.

Your Voice Matters:

Got a wild AI story that's itching to be told?

Maybe AI saved your bacon at work? Or totally fried your brain?

Don't leave me hanging – smash that reply button!

I'm all ears and ready to nerd out with you.

Today's Takeaways:

  • AI Revolution Alert: Keep your eyes peeled for OpenAI's "Strawberry" – it's gonna flip the AI game on its head.

  • Peek Behind the Curtain: Got the lowdown on what a holistic tech wizard actually does

  • Snag Your AI Swiss Army Knife: Jump on the AI Toolbox for Professionals – be the early bird that catches the badass digital worm.

That's a wrap, folks! I'm off to paddle into the sunset (literally).

Keep crushing it while I'm gone, and remember: the future's what we make it.

Joshua | The Holistic Tech Wizard

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