festival feels, sober rockstars and shocking ads

4-week odyssey to turn you into an AI samurai

6min Read, Watch, Listen

Strap in, you digital daredevils!

Fall's hit us like a freight train, and I've been grinding harder than a dentist with a vendetta.


'Cause I'm obsessed with these new AI tools & methods that are so hot, they'd make the sun sweat.

Results? They're not just unbelievable.

They're un-mistakable.

Don’t believe me? Check out this reaction from my client.

I feel the love

This week, I’ve got a lot to share: festival feels, shocking new ad strategies, and AI mastery.

So buckle up and pay attention to the madness that is my life!

Why You Should Care:

  • Festival Shenanigans: Orcas Island turned into a playground for sober rockstars and mini-moguls

  • Ad Revolution: New strategies so potent, they should be illegal

  • AI Bootcamp: Your golden ticket to digital domination (While others are still figuring out the power button)

Orcas Island: Where Sobriety Meets Play

Picture this: Four days on Orcas Island in the beautiful Puget Sound, surrounded by tunes that'll make your soul vibrate and +10 year reunions that'll turn you into a blubbering mess.

12 years sober and I'm higher than ever on life, baby!

Met Scott Nice in the flesh - the mastermind behind some tracks that make my DJ sets hotter than that suna that blistered my back.

Scott Nice scratching on the Turntables

And speaking of DJ-ing, I dropped beats on Doe Bay Resort at Imagine Festival with a view so sick, it should come with a health warning.

But here's the kicker - my 6-year-old and her 9-year-old partner in crime turned into mini-entrepreneurs, hustling snacks like their lives depended on it.

Their secret sauce? Being cuter than a basket of kittens and more persistent than a telemarketer on commission.

Pro Tip: Wanna cure your kid's fear of rejection? Throw 'em $5 for every five "no's" they collect. Works like a charm, you sneaky parenting genius!

Ad Copy Alchemy: We're Not Just Breaking Rules, We're Shattering Realities

Hold onto your butts, 'cause this is where ish gets real.

We've cooked up ad copy so potent, it should come with a surgeon general's warning.

Don't believe me? Check out this ad I’m running.

It's like I've found the marketing equivalent of vibranium, and we're just getting warmed up!

The secret sauce?

We used my Entrepreneur's Compass to map out a creepily level of audience research.

Want that FREE AI Guide? You got it!

AI Bootcamp: Your One-Way Ticket to Digital Domination

Alright, you hungry animals, feast your eyes on this:

A 4-Week Brain-Melting Odyssey to Turn You into an AI-Wielding Badass While Your Competition's Still Trying to Find the Power Button

📆 D-Day: Saturday, October 12th 2024, 9 AM PT 🖥️ Battleground: Zoom (Clothing optional, brilliance mandatory)

Here's what you're in for, you lucky one:

Week 1: Onboarding
Week 2: Using AI effectively
Week 3: Advanced AI use cases
Week 4: Build a custom GPT/Project

  • Unravel ChatGPT's secrets (Make Sherlock Holmes look like a confused puppy)

  • Craft content so fire, it'll trigger smoke alarms

  • Upgrade your professional skills from "meh" to "shut up and take my money!"

  • Streamline your workflow (Hello, Netflix binge, my old friend)

Only 9 spots left! Miss this, and you might as well hand your career to a potato.

Tech Corner: Strawberry Fields or Berry Big Letdown?

Word on the street is OpenAI's about to drop their "Strawberry" model. Allegedly smarter than Einstein on Adderall, but slower than a sloth on Valium.

Who needs this bad boy? Power users who'd sacrifice speed for precision. We're talking data ninjas, code wizards, and marketing Jedi masters like myself.

While I’m still bitter about not having voice mode…

If true, The Entrepreneurs Compass is getting a major upgrade.

But hey, after being teased more times than a lady of the night in Seattle with a heart of gold, I'll believe it when I see it.

Until then, I'm taking this news with a big grain of sea salt.

Meme of the Week: AI Video So Wild, It'll Make Your Eyeballs Tango

Buckle up, buttercup! This video shows AI video generation advancing faster than a cheetah on a rocket-powered skateboard:

Sit back for a mini French movie

Your Voice Matters (Seriously):

Wanna know how I stayed sober at a music festival wilder than a monkey on espresso?
Need the inside scoop on turning your rugrats into mini-entrepreneurs?
Dying to hear more about ad strategies so potent they should come with a hazmat suit?

Smash that reply button like it insulted your mother!
I'm all ears and ready to carpet bomb your brain with pure, uncut knowledge.

Today's Takeaways:

  • Festival Fever: Sobriety doesn't mean boring, it means remembering all the wonderful moments

  • Ad Game Revolution: My new Ad strategies will make your competition's efforts look like a lemonade stand in a hurricane

  • AI Bootcamp Bonanza: Miss this, and you might as well hand your career to a goldfish with ADHD

That's all she wrote, you beautiful maniacs!

Stay curious, keep hustling, and remember – in the world of AI, if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!

Now go forth and conquer, you digital gladiators!

Joshua | The Tech Wizard aka The AI Whisperer

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P.S. If this newsletter didn't melt your brain, you're probably already dead. But if you're still kicking, share it with a friend who's ready to join our army of AI-powered world-dominators!