From Canning to E-Commerce: Diversify Your Income Streams

Automate Your T-shirt Business: Less Hassle, More Revenue

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

Hey there, Trailblazers! 👋

Prepare yourselves for a deep dive into e-commerce strategies designed just for rural entrepreneurs. If you're keen on diversifying your income streams, you won't want to miss out. Later in this newsletter, we'll walk you through setting up your own t-shirt store.

Ready? Let's dive in.

Embracing Change

Recently, the equinox brought a season of change and introspection for me, akin to a Phoenix rising fresh. I've refined my focus and I'm committed to serving those who share my vision—a resilient, self-sufficient future away from urban decay. At the core of my efforts is an unwavering dedication to rejuvenating our rural communities.

My mission? To empower rural entrepreneurs like you to flourish. How? By promoting holistic lifestyles, nurturing diverse income streams, and strengthening community ties through mutual aid groups. I'm eager to lead the way in these endeavors and share my journey with you.

Together, we can create a world where community bonds fortify our families, and multiple income streams from our own businesses allow us to live in alignment with our values.

Still with me?

Resource Alert: Download FREE Guide

The Great Reset Era: 9 Ways To Keep Your Family Safe

In this fast-paced world, we're witnessing the "Great Reset Era." It's a time of rapid change in our society and economy. As rural entrepreneurs and family members, it's important for us to understand this. That's why I created "The Great Reset Era: 9 Ways To Keep Your Family Safe." This guide gives you insider tips and actionable steps to navigate these changes while ensuring your family's safety. We've done the work for you, so relax and dive into the guide! Take care and thanks for reading!

Why it Matters:

  • A deep dive into the concept of the "Great Reset Era."

  • Actionable strategies to safeguard your family amidst societal shifts.

  • Embracing change while staying grounded in rural values.

  • Navigating societal changes while staying true to your values.

    *Still in my queue is a step-by-step guide on creating beautifully designed and content-rich PDFs like this for your business or side hustle.

Home and Hearth: Canning Adventures

This week we tried something new and exciting - canning! Learn how to make homemade applesauce using pressure canning and boiling methods. Canning preserves nature's bounty, perfect for rural entrepreneurs making homemade goodies. See the image of our delicious applesauce below - trust us, it tasted even better! Stay tuned for more food adventures!

Members of our Mutual Aid Group

E-Commerce Insights

Hey there! Ever dream of a business that practically runs itself? You're in luck! I've got an exciting video to share, unveiling a no-hassle T-shirt store connected to Etsy.

In this quick video, I'll show you the magic trick - automatic order fulfillment! Imagine the time and energy you'll save! We also designed a new shirt in just 15 minutes, catching customers' attention. It's quick, easy, and keeps your store fresh! A step-by-step guide is coming soon. Exciting times ahead! Thanks and take care!

Start an ETSY Shop

Open a Printify Account

The NEW DALLE-3 Image Generation

Check out the start of my shop here:

"In the digital age, your location is not a limitation, but a unique selling proposition."

Take Action:

  • Dive into the art and science of canning.

  • Explore automated e-commerce solutions.

  • Stay rooted in your values while navigating the digital realm.

Till next time, stay grounded and free,

-Joshua Hale

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